Sarah Munro is one half of the iconic Aussie label Sarah & Sebastian, best known for its beautiful, fine jewellery designs. In this chat Sarah tells the story of being picked up by the French high fashion boutique, Colette, and how, over a decade later, Sarah and her co-founder Robert have built the business to a team of 100 people, have stores in Sydney and Melbourne, and have expanded the brand into a whole range of services.

You’ll learn: 

  • How Sarah approached the decision to quit her fulltime job to go all in on the business  

  • How Sarah’s naivety in the early days contributed to taking bigger risks 

  • Why Sarah & Sebastian actually started out as a wholesale brand, rather than retail 

  • How they operate with a made-to-order business model, at scale  

  • Why Sarah prefers to remain behind the scenes, rather than being the face of the brand 

  • How Sarah learnt to hand over control and trust her team 

  • Why Sarah prioritises her personal life (even though switching off from the business can be hard) 

We hope you enjoyed this conversation – for more podcast action follow us on Instagram @lady.brains, or sign up to our monthly newsletter at 


I’ve always been a big believer in trusting your own instincts and just going for it. It’s quite funny, my husband now is in safety and risk. So, I come home and tell him about all these ideas and plans that we have, and he just runs through a list of every reason why this potentially could go wrong! Now, I really evaluate any plan or any decision that I’ve made, and if it feels right, I tend to go for it.
— On trusting you intuition when it comes to making hard decisions.
There was some buzz around this new jewellery brand from Australia, but I actually can’t tell you how we were picked up (by Net-a-Porter). It was a lot of travel, a lot of emails, a lot of networking.
— On how they got their big break.
We’ve built off what we’ve had. We’ve never had any external investment. You buy a set amount of gold, you make something, and then with that money, you buy a little bit more gold.
— On how they grew the business slowly, and remained cash positive.
I never stop thinking about design and new forms, it’s actually crazy. It’s mostly when I’m asleep, I dream designs. It’s kind of obsessive. I’ll be sitting in a meeting and think ‘this is a really good idea’ and start sketching. It really doesn’t turn off for me.
— On living and breathing design.
For most of my early 20 s I didn’t I really didn’t do anything else except for build Sarah & Sebastian. I was doing 80 hour weeks.
— On the commitment it took to get Sarah & Sebastian off the ground.

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Discover Sarah & Sebastian

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